Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Mom's back in her Levi's!

Well it seems as I get bigger, mom is getting smaller! Today we went to Stonestown to hit all the big sales. Mom bought herself some new clothes in honor of her almost pre-pregnant body! She bought a cute skirt and some cute tops. Mom got home and went into her box of pre-pregnancy clothes and actually fit into a pair of her favorite Levi's. Mom is so very excited! I slept for part of our shopping spree and mom appreciated that. I got lots of attention and lots of comments on how small I still am--if they only knew how small I was to start.
My night nannie was here last night and she thinks I'm about 8 pounds now. I now officially fit into my newborn clothes and 0-3 months clothes don't look quite as ridiculous of me. Today I am actually wearing the outfit my mom had bought for me in Carmel when I was still inside her. It's super cute and I like the top and bottom idea.
Anyway, it looks like the sun has finally come out after all the rain. That means mom and I can hopefully get back into our walks in the park. Maybe we'll go for one after I wake up from my nap.
Hope everyone has a fun New Year's Eve. Mom and dad will be home with me and they tell me they will drink some champagne from France(where I was supposedly conceived).
I guess that's all to report for today. Happy New Year everyone!

Monday, December 26, 2005

Well aren't I just so cute!

See all these pictures! I am becoming quite the cutie! So I got my first official visit from Santa the other day. It was really great! He gave me lots of cool toys, clothes, and stuffed animals. As you can see from some of these pictures, I was the life of the party. I got to ride a dog--that was funny! I got held a lot--always a good thing and mom and dad got a nice break.
Dad got a camcorder for xmas so look for those painfully embarrasing baby videos coming soon!
A lot of these pictures were taken at grandma Julie's house in Lagunitas--a natural paradise. It rained really hard while we were there so the springs were really beautiful.
I'm just getting bigger and bigger by the day.

Christmas in Lagunitas - Santa's First Visit

Goofy pictures from this week


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Gosh is it Wednesday already?!

My goodness where does the time go? Mom and I have been so very busy! So Monday night was xmas party at great aunt Betsy's! It was grand fun! I got held by EVERYONE. My auntie Sarah had a great time swaying me back and forth and grandma Julie enjoyed watching me while mom and dad ate. Oh and i even got a quick snuggle from great grandma Evie. Great aunt Betsy also had great fun holding me and said "I'm not giving him back." Mom laughed and said, "Enjoy!" My great aunt Betsy gave me these cute shoes and some very cool knitted santa and reindeer hand puppets--I really like hand puppets. After the fun xmas party, my night nannie watched me and mom and dad finally got a good night's sleep. Tuesday mom dropped me off at grandma Julie's and mom went xmas shopping. She won't tell me what santa may bring me although she says I'll like it.
This morning grandma Diane came over and entertained me so mom could do laundry. I'm awake a lot more during the day so mom gets distressed about what to do with me. I've gotten lots of great stuff for xmas already and I enjoy playing with all of it.
The rain has put a little of a damper on our walks. We do go out but not as long or as often because the rain is just not fun! We have great rain gear but you know it's really not the same as when the weather is nice.
I don't think I'll be able to write again before Santa arrives so have a great xmas everyone!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Zumsteg Family Christmas

Xmas party at Grandma Diane's

Well last night I went over to grandma Diane's to celebrate xmas. It was really fun! Mom and dad ate dinner and enjoyed wine while I played in my Gymini. I enjoyed getting held by everyone including great grandad Howard. Even grandad Ward gave me a lot of good squeezes. We opened some very fun presents and I was a very good baby until it came time to leave. I hate having to leave such a fun event.
All the excitement of the party meant a good night's sleep for everyone including me!
Today we stayed home because the weather was really unpleasant.
Tomorrow I go to another Xmas party at my great aunt Betsy's where I will get to see all the Haas cousins and friends. That will be fun!
I will be spending Xmas eve and day with grandma Julie out in the Lagunitas house. I'm sure that will be a lot of fun too.
I guess that's all to report for today. I hope everyone stays dry during this nasty rain. Happy holidays everyone!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Do you notice I am getting bigger?!

I told mom and dad that there are too many pictures of me on the website that are too small so nobody can see how cute I am. So here are a couple close up shots. Dad also put some more pictures in down below to previous posts so be sure not to miss those!

Andy and Andy

Sometimes around the house it is a little confusing. The problem is there are two Andy's. The other Andy is more commonly called Dingo which is the name of some weird Australian Dog like thing. Mom and Dad call the other Andy that so as to try not to cause so much confusion. I don't know if it helps or not. He is something called a cat. We have three of them. Dingo seems to be most curious about me in a good way. Mom caught him in action making sure Dad was feeding me correctly the other night.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

my big night out

So last night mom and dad took me to a restaurant called "Fior D'Italia." It was for a Christmas party for dad's work. Mom says I was an absolute angel. I slept for a lot of it which was nice for everyone involved and when I did wake up and fuss mom took me outside so as to not bother the other patrons. Mom made lots of friends while outside and there was another family there with their baby so we became instant friends. Of course, all of dad's co-workers were very excited to meet me. I think I made a pretty good impression. We got home rather late and I didn't sleep so well since I had had so much fun at the party. So that was my first official restaurant outing. Mom was very proud of me.
Today mom and i went for another very long walk in Golden Gate Park. There are so many backroads to explore! We try different routes every day and have lots of fun getting lost among the duck and turtle hide outs.
Tonight my night nannie is here and mom is so excited. Mom had to do part of night duty last night since I was being so fussy and dad had to get some sleep before going to work. Tomorrow we are going downtown so mom can see her dentist and then hopefully another long walk. Mom really enjoys these walks. She says it makes her feel like she's losing some of her pregnancy weight. I enjoy them too. Anyone want to join? I realize not everyone is awake at 7am but mom is always happy for company.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

My day with 2 grandmas

Well today was a very busy day! I started my morning going on a very long walk with grandma Diane. We walked all over Golden Gate Park. It was so much fun! We went to the arboretum, the DeYoung Museum and the Conservatory of Flowers. Mom also enjoyed a latte while on our walk. It was a very cold, crisp beautiful morning and even the ducks seemed happy to see me. Then we came home and I ate and then it was off to grandma Julie's where I got to sleep! Mom enjoyed being at grandma Julie's because it allowed someone else to hold me for a while. I slept very well and even grandpa Wally hung out for a while. I am having the worst hiccups right now. I hate hiccups. Fortunately, i have my pacifier so i'm not causing too much of a rucous. I decided not to take my afternoon nap today so mom is trying to figure out how to entertain me for now.
Tonight I am going out with mom and dad to a Christmas party at the new Fior D'Italia. I hope they don't charge me a corkage fee for my formula. I just can't decide which of my adorable outfits to wear. I think my bear outfit is appropriate since dad works for a team whose mascot is a bear.
I guess that's all to report for today. Tomorrow we will go on another morning walk. Mom tries to do this everyday to keep her sanity. I enjoy the fresh air and all the sights and sounds of this great city. It also usually puts me to sleep for a little while which makes mom very happy. Anyway, my hiccups are now gone and i'm bored. Off to the gymini for a while. Hope everyone is having a great day!

Monday, December 12, 2005

my first meeting at DayOne

Today mom and I went to DayOne. It was really nice for mom to get out and meet some fellow moms. The meeting she attended was for 0-3 month old babies and mommies. The RN leading the meeting was an old friend of moms which was kind of fun. It's amazing how history repeats itself. Mom hadn't seen this RN in many years. Mom told me she and the RN's son were best friends in elementary school.
While at DayOne mom learned all about how to better care for me and learned she isn't alone in this whole mom thing. She walked out of there very reassured that she is doing everything right. She also felt pretty on the ball thanks to all she has learned from my night nannie. She says I am a very good baby because all the other babies cried during the meeting where I just laid there being very good. I've had a very mellow afternoon as the weather is a little yucky and mom is tired. I am now napping and enjoying that.

Yesterday mom and dad bought a xmas tree. It's very small just like me! I also got introduced to a toy called the Gymini. I like it a lot. I lay in it and listen to the music and try to bat at the hanging toys. I'm not very coordinated yet but I am very entertained by it. Tonight I have my night nannie which means mom gets to sleep in tomorrow. She's very excited about that. My night nannie only comes 2 times this week. I am sleeping a little better through the night so dad doesn't feel quiet as overwhelmed watching me.
Mom says they have a lot of xmas parties to go to this week and I will be going with them. That will be fun! Grandma Diane gave me a cute xmas outfit so I will be wearing that a lot. I guess mom will do lots of laundry to keep it clean.
I guess that's all for today. Have a good week everyone!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

My First Trip to Marin

Today I went to Marin for the first time. I got to cross something called the Golden Gate Bridge. It was a crystal clear blue day! While in Marin I visited my great grandma Clare and great grandpa Preben. They were both very happy to see me. I have never met my great grandpa Preben before and he was very happy to meet me. He kissed me and told me I have more hair then he does. While at great grandma Clare's, mom and dad ate lunch and we just had the best time. I was very good the whole time we were over there and I only fussed because I was hungry. Mom and dad fed me in great grandma Clare's apartment and then we were back to San Francisco. I was quite the hit at great grandma Clare's retirement community. Everyone was very impressed with how well I behaved.
Of course, we got home and I decided it was time to be awake. I like this because it makes mom and dad crazy because they really don't know what to do with me. One of these days they'll just let me hang out and not get so worried about it.
Our other activity today was heading over to Cole Valley where mom and dad had breakfast at the Cole Street Boulangerie.
Tomorrow I'll be over at grandma Julie's so mom and dad can go to a movie.
I guess that's all to report for today. Ciao for now!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Big news!

Hi everyone. I know you have all been waiting to hear how my weigh in went yesterday. I'm up to 5 pounds 4.8 ounces! That means I am gaining at least an ounce a day and that's great. The pediatrician was very impressed! He said "today we get to brag about your baby." Mom liked that a lot. Needless to say she has no problem bragging about me. So today is Friday. YEAH! That means daddy will be home for the weekend. I get to harrass him big time for all of his time away. We spent our morning in an area called West Portal where mom met up with a few of her girlfriends and had coffee. We also stopped by the pet hospital to pick up some medication for the cats which was fun. At the pet hospital, I got to meet some of mom's friends and got licked by a big dog. I had a great time!
Mom is excited because she can now fit back into her rings. She says it's been a long time since she's worn them.
Tonight mom and dad are going out and I get to be with my night nannie. That should be nice.
Anyway, I guess that's all there is to report for today. My mom is having friends over so that will be nice for her. Anyway, time for my nap. Have a great weekend all.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Thursday hello

I know it's been a few days but mom and I have been very busy! Yesterday we went to the market for the first time and that was a lot of fun. All the women in the store just oooohed and awed over how small I am. Mom realized going to the store is a very easy trip since we can do it in the stroller and it gives mom good exercise so we'll be doing that a lot more. Also gives mom an opportunity to get more of that thing called latte. We also stopped at Arizmendi Bakery on our way home because they have the best bread. That was a little more hectic but still fun. I was very good on my walk so we did it again this morning. Mom says the walk is very good for her so we will be doing them daily if we can unless it's too cold or raining. It's been very cold lately but I got this great cashmere blanket from my great uncle bob and family so that's been keeping me nice and toasty.
This afternoon mom is getting her hair cut and she's very excited about that. I'll get to meet her hair dresser Alex who I hear is very nice. Then we go see the pediatrician to see how much weight I've gained. We'll let you know how that goes. I don't like going to the pediatrician because he makes me get undressed and i hate that. I like to be all snuggled in my blankets. Oh well. I guess i can't be perfect all the time.
Last night my night nannie wasn't here so dad did night duty and i was pretty good for him. I, of course, had to let him know i want him home more often so I was pretty fussy until about 10:30 when i decided it was time to sleep. I slept from 10:30pm-2am and then again from 2:30am-5am. That's pretty good for a newborn i'm told. So now i'm awake and making noise. Mom's gotta deal with me. We have so much fun during the day.
Mom says she'd like to invite visitors over on occasion so call her so you can come see how big i've gotten. Maybe we'll go for a stroller walk or something. I really like those!
That's all for now! Have a great day.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Tuesday with grandma Julie

Well today mom and I spent the day with grandma Julie because they turned the gas off to our house. It was a rather rude awakening as I am used to sleeping in until around 9am but we had a great time. Grandma Julie took me and mom to the park with these creatures called dogs. They barked a lot. Grandma Julie had lots of fun showing me off and bragging about how I'm not "officially" born yet. I don't know what that means but it sounds kind of funny. While at grandma Julie's I got visits from aunt Charlotte and uncle Walter which was kind of fun. Both of them held me and I enjoyed that a lot. Uncle Walter was pretty blown away when he held me. He said it was "cool." We got back from Grandma Julie's late this afternoon after a nap and have been hanging out at home ever since. My night nannie is now watching me so mom is taking a dictation. Anyway, a long day but lots of fun. Dad is working at a basketball game so I guess I won't see him until much later tonight. Mom's off to take her nightly bath. She tells me that's the best part of her day. Good night for today.

Monday, December 05, 2005

mom and i go solo!

well today daddy went back to work so mom and i went solo. We had a wonderful stroller walk through the neighborhood. Mom took me to this place called Starbucks where she got something called a latte. Mom says when i get a lot older I will be addicted to these. That sounds interesting. Then we went to the Post Office and the market and then back home. The walk home was very hilly so mom is a little tired but we had a great time! Everyone helped mom with opening doors and there were smiles all around. I only fussed once because my hat got over my eyes--I hate that. But a good first outing for the 2 of us for sure.
This afternoon I'm going over to Auntie Charlotte's to see her new house.
Mom just informed me that the neighbors went crab fishing today so they will have crab for dinner. I don't know what that is but mom says it's really good.
Anyway, almost time for my next meal. Hope everyone is enjoying this gorgeous weather.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Mom cutting loose

I thought you might like this shot of mom from last week, sometimes I can be a little overwhelming so mom needs a drink. If you can't see me that is because I am in my sling, which is actually very comfortable.

Sunday at Great Grandma's

I know most of my posts are about my different visits which becomes kind of old, but today I was able to visit my third great grandparent. We took a field trip to Great Grandma Evie's house today, as she had never seen me before. We were able to take a four generations of Haas picture that turned out really nicel. I really had to get my act together because on the way over I was going crazy in the car, but luckily SF potholes soothed me to sleep, and I ended up enjoying myself. I think everyone thought I was pretty cute in the end. Next up to visit is Preben, I will be over soon.

Grandma Zumsteg Visit

Friday, Grandma Zumsteg came over to say hello and drop off a couple cute gifts from Aunt Erica, Uncle Tadd and my cousin Emma. Grandma took some time to take care of me a bit and now I know where dad's hair came from

I also was wearing another one of my cool hats for Grandma that day

Saturday, December 03, 2005

My first lunch out

Last night mom and dad left me at home, and went out to dinner themselves. They were afraid I was not ready for steak tartare and fish tacos at Andalu. Andalu only serves Soju drinks, so they would not be able to serve me formula. Then take the fact that I would have to pay $15 corkage to bring my own $.50 worth of formula, it just did not make sense.

Today mom and dad took me out on my first stroller ride through the neighborhood and we stopped off at Gordos. Mom and dad had their usual mexican delights, and I had some milk. Dad was a little paranoid about going to a sitdown place and I validated that by deciding I needed my milk as soon as mom and dad started eating their lunch. I let them know by going into my high pitch crying routine.

Some of the locals were very interested in me, including the nice lady from sliders who had been serving mom grilled cheese and milkshakes the last couple months. Everybody likes to comment on how small I am, but I am doing my best to get bigger everyday.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Happy Friday

Just checking in. I know it's been a few days. Mom tells me Friday is a good day. I'm not so sure. I started off my morning getting circumsized which was not fun. I hate having my clothes taken off in front of complete strangers. Then it was off to grandma Julie's for some TLC. I like Grandma Julie. She holds me and tells me how cute I am. We had a wonderful time and i think mom enjoyed the break. Then it was off to see the pediatrician to see if I've gained any weight. I have gained almost a pound! I'm up to 4 pounds 13 ounces which I'm told is very good. Now I am happily resting in my bouncy chair and mom and dad are taking a much needed break. Tonight mommy says she's going out to dinner with daddy and I'll be with my night nannie. I so enjoy being with her. I sleep better for her than anyone else. Well it's almost time for me to have my next meal. I guess I'll start making some noise now. Have a good weekend everyone!