Saturday, May 26, 2007


This is a funny picture of me with a bubble moustache, after I was cleaning up from one of my disasters


So one night recently when the weather was nice we had dinner on the deck. For some reason I decided dumping guacamole in my hair would be a good idea.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Running Around

Watch me run around Grandma and Grandad Zummie's house with Grandma's clown toy

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Boardwalk

Every day either Dad or Mom takes me to the Arboretum Multiple times. One of my favorite places to run around is the boardwalk that goes around the duck pond. It makes a fun sound when you run on it and its a nice loop for me. Here are some action shots of me on the Boardwalk.

Grandad Z's Birthday

Mom, Dad and I went over to celebrate Grandad Zumsteg's Birthday. There were quite a few great things that went on during the night. First of all Grandad finally got to see me run around, which was exciting. Then as you can see both he and Grandma took turns making me laugh with silly faces, tickles, and some of Dad's old toys. To top it off Grandma bought me a cheescake, except I saw the chocolate on Dad's peanut butter cake and just reached over and took a huge bite of that. In the old days, kids ate peanut butter all the time, I guess now for some reason all the parents are scared of it and I am not supposed to have it for a few more years. Well, everything turned out fine and it tasted really good. I have to try eating more, some of this stuff is really good.

Something Wrong Here

Dad says that if Oski knew what I was wearing he would not spend time with me anymore.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Mom and Dad are so old

I am getting ready for a big mother's day weekend, Mom has been so good to me the past year. I was thinking maybe I will sleep in till 6 a.m. one day this weekend. This would be instead of my usual getting up at 3 am, rolling around till 5am and then crying from 5-6.

Also I realized how old Mom and Dad are, they told me they were born before
1) Cell phones
2) Playstations
3) Home computers
4) Mp3's
5) Remote controls (which I love to play with!)
6) DVD players
7) Tivo's (can you imagine having to wait until 10 a.m. to watch Sesame Street!)
8) Microwave Ovens
9) Velcro straps on shoes

I guess they were so old that Dad said there was this thing called CD's inbetween Vinyl records and mp3 players. I think those are pretty much obsolete now.

I also had a really nice day today because Grandma Zummy came over to walk down to the Park with Dad and I. Grandma and Dad helped chase me around the Arboretum which I always find really funny. I ran for a good hour straight without a break!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I walk!

Sorry it's been so long! I've been very busy! This whole walking thing is too much fun! I am now walking everywhere unassisted. Mom and dad are very proud of me! The last couple of days have been so hot! I've basically lived at the beach! I love playing in the sand. Also still doing my morning walks at the Arboretum. I'm also eating a lot these days. I love Arizmendi muffins. Pictures coming soon. I'm a totally different person now. Yes a boy! I enjoy falling a lot. Very stressful for mom. Ok..That's all to report today. Good night!