Many of you know I am particularly fond of firetrucks. I have one at home I like to play with, but in Carmel there was a big hook and ladder and the fireman was really nice and let me sit in the front seat with all the buttons! You can see I was a little overwhelmed, but it was really neat. Then we went to Hog's Breath to celebrate my fire truck adventure (and so Mom and Dad could get a drink at lunch, it was day 2 of getting up at 4am). The next day Grandma Julie came down and took me to the toy store, where I played with a new fire truck I liked and Dad ended up buying me. Dad says you always get a toy on the trip when you have been good (so I guess I was passing the test). This one made loud noise for water sound, engine sound, crane lifting sound, and skidding on the breaks sound.
If one goes back far enough in the blog, you will see this is my third set of photos at Hog's Breath.