Monday, October 29, 2007

Back Yard

I don't know if I mentioned it, but since I started to figure out how to climb over the baby gate on the back deck, Mom and Dad figured it would be better just to take it down. That means I can go anywhere in the back yard! These are some shots of me playing around back there, I like to go up on the second level and play with the Potato vines

Spanish Bay

We finished out the Carmel trip by going to the boardwalk at Spanish Bay. I could run and run and run and still never reach the end. It was another beautiful day and Dad took lots of pictures, here are some of the better ones.

Stunning Day at the Beach

After the aquarium we came back to the hotel and I finally took a real nap. Then it rained while I was asleep, and then when I woke up it was gorgeous out. Since it rained, nobody was a the beach and we went down there and had some fun. I was rolling around in the sand with Mom and running all around the path up above.

Monterey and the Aquarium

On the third day, Grandma Julie, Mom, Dad and I all went to Monterey to go the Aquarium. Before we went to the aquarium we walked down the beach a bit so I could check out the seals sitting on the beach. In the aquarium I liked the sea otters, the jellyfish and my favorite was the tide pool that had the rushing ocean water over my head. I could sit in the bubble window and watch it all happen around me.

Carmel Firetruck

Many of you know I am particularly fond of firetrucks. I have one at home I like to play with, but in Carmel there was a big hook and ladder and the fireman was really nice and let me sit in the front seat with all the buttons! You can see I was a little overwhelmed, but it was really neat. Then we went to Hog's Breath to celebrate my fire truck adventure (and so Mom and Dad could get a drink at lunch, it was day 2 of getting up at 4am). The next day Grandma Julie came down and took me to the toy store, where I played with a new fire truck I liked and Dad ended up buying me. Dad says you always get a toy on the trip when you have been good (so I guess I was passing the test). This one made loud noise for water sound, engine sound, crane lifting sound, and skidding on the breaks sound.

If one goes back far enough in the blog, you will see this is my third set of photos at Hog's Breath.

Carmel Part I

These are pictures from our first day on our trip to Carmel. You can see I started out at the beach playing with Oski in the sand. Then the second morning the weather was amazing and we went down to point Lobos for awhile. My big problem was since we were on vacation I would keep getting up at 4am and Mom and Dad would have to take me out, so even though it was beautiful at Point Lobos, I had to take a nap at 10am so we left early. My naps on vacation were usually spent in the car as it was the only place I could sleep.

More Pumpkin Patch

This year I realized the pumpkin patch is not only a good place to take pictures, but a great place to play. Since its a block from the house, I go there routinely to watch the big blowup pumpkin (ooooooohhhhhhh I say). I also love to play in the maze, and laugh at the turkeys that go gobble, gobble, gobble. These pictures give you a good idea of the fun that can be had at the pumpkin patch!

Pumpkin Patch

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Out with Grandma and Grandad

A couple weeks ago, I went out with Grandma, Grandad and Dad one morning and we took some pictures of me in the park. I was playing funny peek-a-boo games with Grandma when we were down there

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Curl's update

Believe it or not, Mr. Alex who cuts Mom and Dad's hair actually cut my bangs a couple weeks ago, but he could not bring himself to cut off all my curl's. And I sure don't want Dad doing it by himself, as who knows what I might end up looking like in the back. It appears we are going to continue with the Curly surfer look until further notice. Maybe we will clean it up for the holidays, who knows.

Pumpkins Patch pictures should be coming up this month

Talking Update

As many of you know, I have been going to speech classes to help me learn how to communicate better. Mom and Dad don't understand my complex systems of grunts, so they take me to a place where they teach me new tricks. I have started to communicate much better with my hands for better or worse, and I have lots of new sounds. I like to say "ummmmm..
and "mmmmmm" and when something is neat I go "ooooooohhhh" for a really long time with a big smile. And Mom and Dad always clap with me when I do that, it generally means I did something O.K. I am getting really excited to finally talk to Mom and Dad, so many things they could improve upon if I could only tell them. Of course, I think Mom and Dad think the same way about me. I sense they are still not to thrilled about me getting up everyday at 5am and screaming all morning. Seems Dad can't hear me till 6am.

Unleashed in the back yard

I must have done something good lately, as now sometimes Dad lets me go into the back yard and run around. The flowers look really good back there these days and its really pretty. Last time I went out there I even was able to go to the upper level in the back and stand under the big tree! As you can tell, I had been to the beach earlier in the day with Fabi as it was a beautiful day out!

New Jammies

Mom took me to Carters and we bought some new pajamas. These are my fuzzy dinosaur ones, they are really nice and keep me very warm. This is me in my jammies at 5:30 AM when I get up.

I see dinner!

This doesn't need much explanation, but you can see I am getting tall enough to get to everything!


Mom and Dad are looking for anything that I can do these days for more than 5 minutes at a time . Dad bought me some big blocks that I can build with, as I guess he was a big fan of these type of things when he was little. I did kind of figure out how to put them together, and I also became good at throwing them around the room. We found it worked pretty well if Dad made something and then I took it apart.

Zoo Day

We had a really nice day recently and Dad was home so all of us went to the Zoo. I was able to play on the swing, and visit some funny animals. You can see the funny little meerkat family in the photo behind me. It was really hot so they were all outside which was very unusual. I also met this really nice donkey at the children's zoo who made me laugh, even though I think he wanted to eat my fingers. I also chased the goats around the barn for awhile on this day, although I think they just wanted the day off. No days off around me!!!

Messing around at home

Thought I would share a couple of pictures of me from the last month at home, so you can catch up on my projects. First of all, although I am not officially 2, I act 2. I play hard all day long, getting into everything I possibly can only to have Mom and Dad put it away at night and then I get back to it the next day. You can see I like to get all the suds all over me in the tub, and another favorite pass time is driving Ernie around the house in the big chair.