Sunday, August 26, 2007
First Ear Ache

It was a long weekend, it started out great. Mom and Dad celebrated their anniversary by going to Napa for the day, which meant I was able to spend all day at the Stein's with Fabiana and all the Novato kids at a big pool party. I slept like a rock on Thurday night, then we went out to Lagunitas Friday for the weekend where these pictures were taken. You can see again I was "cleaning" (Drowning) Oski in the water table. Oski is still my best friend in the world, but he says you wouldnt know it wearing Oregon and Stanford gear all the time and drowning him in the tub.
Then Friday night I got a terrible ear infection, well at least I knew it that night. Mom, Dad and Grandma all did their best to keep me from going crazy but it was tough. They ended up cutting our weekend in the country short and taking me to the Doctor Saturday morning. Dad never looked so happy to find out I had an ear infection, not because he doesn't like me rather it explained what was going on and we could start making it better. It's Sunday now and I am doing much better, but it was quite a weekend
Football Season

Dad got me dressed up in all my Oregon gear as the football season is rapidly approaching and Dad wanted to see how I looked. Oski was upset though, as I was not in a Cal jersey (Although Oski did tell me it was MUCH better than when I get dressed up in all that Stanford stuff cool uncle Walt gave me)...Don't worry Walt, I love that stuff to, Oski is just touchy about it
Pool Party

Its been a busy month, to start out we had a great pool party where I met all the other Zumsteg's and celebrated Dads cousin Craig's marriage to Annie. Mom and Dad know I approved of Annie the first day I met her back in February, Mom wanted to hire her as a baby sitter right away. Thing is Annie is very smart(she went to Stanford!), so baby sitting probably is something she can pass on. Also, I am realizing I am going to be a little short for the family, they were all very tall, unlike Mom and Dad. I don't really have any pictures of me with all the family because Dad spent most of his time running around entertaining in the way he knows best, making to much food!
I have a couple pictures from the pool though, you can see I was having a good time