Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Finally figured out the bottle

So tonight was a big night as I finally figured out how to use my bottle. I played with it for a long time and even went one handed for a little bit. Also take note of my stylish new Curious George Pajamas. I am growing into PJ's so dad has a good time looking for funny ones for me to wear

Ducks Key

One of my favorite books lately is Ducks Key. Grandma Zummy bought it for me, and it has lots of little hidden places where I look for the key.


Mom, Dad and I went to watch baseball 4 days in a row. The first night was rough as I had my first plane ride and I had not really napped all day. We only lasted an inning that night, but I started to stay much longer as the weekend went along. The last day was really nice because I finally realized it was ok to wear a hat. Dad and I went out to the grass and just sat there and watched basebal (while I ate my french fries). It made Dad very happy for the two of us to sit there and watch baseball. The last picture is of me at Don & Charley which is a place Pop and Super Pop used to go all the time when they were in Arizona for spring training. I got a little cranky late that day so Dad had to take me out while mom finished Dinner.

The Pool

We went to Phoenix to see Dad's team play their spring training games. While I liked baseball, my favorite part was spending time at the pool with my Mom and Dad and all the other nice people there. I liked to make a lot of noise and splash around. It was great relief from all the hot weather for all of us. It was also fun because cousins Jesse, Sarah and Allison were all there having a good time. Jesse was drinking Green Beer which was strange, but he seemed to enjoy it!

At the Airport

This picture is of me hanging out at the Airport before my first airplane flight ever. Mom and Dad said I was really good, I took a nap on takeoff, and was very well behaved during the flight. Mom and Dad are excited because it means we can take more trips someday.


I just finally started to wear hats lately. The first time I ever played with them was when Dad made me wear the Oregon hat. Oski got mad at me! I also like to play with Dad's empty Coke cans, they make a cool noise when you squish them

French Fries

As many of you know, I love french fries. Here is me eating some at the Zoo when we went a couple of weeks ago