A Pumpkin, A Black Cat and a Giraffe?

Dad and Mom say it's time for Halloween, so I guess this is a new holiday for me. I was a Giraffe for halloween as Mom found me this great costume. You can see I have a tale, ears, and I even have a thing on me that makes a snoring sound. Of course Dad wanted to take pictures, then Dingo the cat wanted to come up and play with me in some of the pictures. Then we headed down to the Infant ICU Halloween Party where I saw hundreds of other kids in costumes. They took a picture of all three of us although it did not turn out great. They took a more professional picture that should be better. To top if off, since it was a beautiful day, Mom and Dad took me to the beach in the afternoon as it was 75 degrees with no wind. I got to play in the water for awhile until I was cold, then finally I came home and now I am taking a big nap!