Monday, July 31, 2006


This is a nice little video done right after I was finished with my dinner, as you can see, at this point I do not get it all in my mouth, but it sure is fun!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Carmel : Monterey Bay Aquarium

Mom and Dad took me to the Monterey Bay Aquarium for the first time. We have a nice fish tank at home with some cool little fish that I like to stare at, but this place had some really big tanks with some really big fish. You can see I would just sort of stare in amazement at all the colors and fishies swimming around. I saw sea otters, sharks, and more penguins along with tons of other new fish I have never seen before. I am sure I will get more out of it later on when I am older but Mom and Dad liked watching how big my eyes became when starting at the huge tanks.

Carmel : Sand

Whenver we went to the beach, I liked to play in the sand. I could either hold it in my hand and watch it run out, or I could bury my feet in it. As you can see, I was really concentrating on the sand as its very fine and interesting at the Carmel Beach, unlike some of the other places I have played in the sand.

Carmel : Hog's Breath

Mom and Dad took me to a place called Hog's Breath which is a favorite spot of their's in Carmel. You can sit outside, and just enjoy the weather, eat and relax (well, I watch them eat, I get my bottle though). I was having a really good time so I thought you might want to see the pictures.

Carmel : Pictures with Dad

Dad had some time off work, so we went back to Carmel. Mom and Dad said I went before when I was much smaller, but this time I did quite a bit more. The first picture is of Dad and I on Grandma and Grandad's back deck, the second picture is on the coast at Pacific Grove. The third one was fun because Dad walked me through the ocean quite a bit, and I touched the cold ocean water for the first time.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Swinging around

One of my favorite things to do these days is play on the swing. There is one by Grandma's as well as one in Golden Gate Park that I like. They even had one at the Zoo today so Dad let me ride it. As usual Dad was there to take pictures!

A Day at the Zoo

Today it was hot here in San Francisco, so we took the opportunity to go out to the Zoo. As you know, I love to go out there and see my friends the penguins, bears, and lions. As you can see I was having a great time with mom and the polar bear.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Another Day at the Pool

Last time I went to the pool Great Grandma was there. I don't get to see Great Grandma much because we are both busy bees, but it was nice to catch up and have a three generations photo. I grunted a few times to thank Great Grandma for coming down and letting me use the pool.

People say we look the same

People say Dad and I look alike, I guess this shot will give people a good chance to compare. As you can see I already have MORE hair than Dad. Dad says I got Mom's nose which is good because his is sort of big! Still we do look like a good pair, and we share many of the same expressions

Monday, July 03, 2006

Mr. Penguin

This is my other friend Mr. Penguin who I like to play with all the time, he has a cool beak that I like to put in my mouth and suck on. It really doesn't taste that good, but it's fun anyway to do it. You will also notice that I am much bigger in my chair compared to previous pitctures that you have seen. My new thing is also that I grunt all day long, I haven't told Mom and Dad why I do it because I really don't know myself.


Grandma Diane gave me this furry guy we call Hedge-y, for Mr.Hedgehog. He is my favorite guy to play with in bed at night because he is so soft and furry, I like to lift him over my head and for some reason I like to slobber all over him. I just thought you might want to see my buddy.