Monday, April 24, 2006

Playing with geese

Hi everyone! It's been very busy here lately. Mom has been in charge of me for 14 straight days because dad had to work. Baseball season sure is crazy. So we've gotten into this new activity of going up to Stow Lake and watching the Canadian Geese. We've become very good friends. They come right up to us and eat out of our hands and they are so tall I can pet them! Mom gets a little nervous they are going to bite my fingers off but so far it's been ok. Today we spent a lot of time up at the Lake watching the ducklings--they are now swimming! We also watched the geese as they tromped up the hill with great ease. It was rather impressive. Mom says the geese are kind of bullies though because they try to control the ducks but it seems to me they get along ok. The geese do keep the seagulls away which mom likes.
Other exciting things for me. I'm getting very good at rolling over! I also am trying very hard to sit up. I also have become very creative in my sleeping positions. I start in one part of the crib and usually end up somewhere completely different. It's kind of fun! Oh and I really like soft blocks now. I can play with those for hours. Oh and I'm becoming very good friends with the cats that live in my house. We snuggle every morning! I really like to pull their fur which mom says is bad. I also really enjoy it when they rub up against me and purr. Gauranteed smile! Oh and I've become quite the drooler lately. Mom thinks I may be teething but it's kind of hard to tell. I wear a bib permanantly now so I don't ruin my clothes. I like the eat the bib. Mom says we're going to try solid foods soon. I can't wait! Mom hopes it will help me sleep a little longer at night. I'm now waking up one to two times a night which is a grand improvement on the early days of my life.
Mom is heading out of town at the end of this week so she can attend a friend's wedding. I'm staying home with dad which will be nice. Mom says she's ready for a break but will probably miss me. I know I'll miss her but dad and I will have lots of fun in her absence.


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