Sunny Monday

Find the baby ducks!! look close!!

Well we finally got some good weather! Today we went to the zoo. It was so fun! I really enjoyed the penguins, lions and bears! The polar bears in particular made me laugh. Dad took the day off to so that was extra nice.
This weekend I spent a lot of time with grandma Julie because dad was working and well it was raining and mom couldn't stand being around the house anymore.
On Saturday, we helped grandma Julie prepare for Easter by setting the Easter table. It was kind of neat. Lots of pretty eggs and mom ate lots of chocolate. I also got to spend some quality time with grandpa Wally which was fun! He makes the funniest faces!
Sunday we went to visit great grandma Clare and great grandpa Preben which was grand fun! I also got to meet my great aunt Thale and uncle Steve for the first time. They gave me a cool aquarium to play with. It's got fish that you pull out that make funny noises and the aquarium itself is really neat.
So I've had a very busy last couple of days.
I have figured out how to roll over from front to back and back to front. It's grand fun. Mom and dad are not too thrilled because I stay up all night practicing. They aren't getting a whole lot of sleep because everytime I roll over, I wake up and squeal waking up the whole house. Then it takes me a while to calm down and go back to sleep. Then I do it all over again. It's funny because I start at one part of the crib and end up at a completely different spot a few hours later. This morning I was sideways on the crib which was really cool! Mom is a little worried I may roll out one day so they are very careful to make sure that the side bar on the crib is up when I go to sleep.
Well I guess that's all for today! It looks like the sun may stay out for a few days so we may go back to the zoo tomorrow. We're now members so we can go whenever we want!
Have a good week all. Oh I almost forgot the coolest part of my day! We went up to Stow Lake this morning and there were little baby ducks! They were so cute!
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