my first trip to the zoo

Well yesterday was quite a day! The sun finally came out and mom, dad and I went to the SF Zoo. It was so much fun! Mom put me in my baby bjorn so I could see everything and well I got to learn all about the different animals that roam our planet. I particularly liked the penguins. They swam around and were really funny! I also liked the lions who reminded me a lot of my cat friends at home. The Children's Zoo had a really neat duck pond which was also really fun--I got to watch them come in for landings which was kind of cool.
We were there for four hours and mom told me that they've really fixed up the place. She said it used to be very sad because the animals were in such small cages but now they have lots of room to roam so she was happy about that. So mom and dad are going to make me a zoo member so we can go anytime I want. I'm very excited about that.
On another note, I've discovered I have these things called hands. I know this sounds funny but I am now completely facinated by my hands and fingers and how they work together. I spend hours watching my hands and fingers and trying to figure out how they work. It's really fun!
Oh and mom and dad bought me this cool frog hand puppet at the zoo. I like him very much because he has big bug eyes that move around in his head. It makes me laugh!
Last night after my exciting day at the zoo, I went over to grandma Julie's and grandpa Wally's house. That was fun too. I got to see aunt Char and uncle Josh and uncle Walt. They all had fun holding me and telling me how big I've gotten.
I slept pretty well last night after all the excitement and I've been napping pretty well today.
The rain seems to come back so I have no idea what the rest of this week will have in store but I sure had fun yesterday and wanted to share it all with you.
Have a good week all!
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