My weekend in Carmel

Well HI everyone! I had the BEST TIME in Carmel! I really enjoyed the sounds of the ocean(much better than my CD) and the sounds of birds every morning. I also enjoyed going on some amazing beach walks and walks through town.
Grandma Diane and grandad Ward also really enjoyed getting to know me a little more. They baby sat me Saturday night so mom and dad could go out. Diane and Ward said I was such a good baby! We also enjoyed lunch out every day. One day we went to Hogbreath Inn and the next we went to Village Corner. Mom and dad went to Club Jalapeno for their date.
On Sunday night, we ate at grandma Diane's and that was also very fun. I spent a lot of time in my bouncy chair and playing with all the fun toys grandma Diane bought me.
I slept well and just had the best time!
I can now face forward in my Snugli so we did a lot of walks that way which was really fun because then I could see things like sea otters and birds.
We are now back home and I have been sleeping for quite a while. All that ocean air really knocked me out.
Anyway, I think the pictures speak for themselves. AMAZING!
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