Wednesday, January 25, 2006

It's wednesday already!

WOW where does the time go?! I here mom say that ALL THE TIME! We'll I wish we could say we've been busy and well I guess in baby terms we have been. Monday mom and I went to the JCC and mom took a killer spin class--she says it was killer because it nearly killed her! and I played with the other babies at daycare.
Tuesday I went over to grandma Julie's so mom could get a break and run some errands. Mom got some hot new workout clothes that she is very excited about.
Today is Wednesday and we went for a long walk in Golden Gate Park. We saw the most beautiful heron bird at the Arboretum. He's very tall and grey. Mom says he looks very healthy too. Mom was a little tired because she pulled night duty last night since I decided not to sleep and dad had to get some sleep to function at work. I have been sleeping most of the afternoon so mom is sort of caught up on her Z's.
Tomorrow we get our refrigerator fixed! yeah! it's been having trouble keeping things cold and it's just taken forever to get someone out here to fix it!
Friday mom goes to dad's farewell party at Cal and I have my nannie to watch me so mom can have a drink at the party.
Saturday we head off to Carmel. That will be grand fun!
Other news to report, I like toys! I am now playing gleefully with my Pottery Barn Kids rattle that auntie Char gave me. It's very soft and I like to suck on it and I'm getting pretty good at holding onto it too. I also really love this thing called a Whoozit. It has funny colors and makes funny noises and has a mirror on it. I also still love my gymini but it always gives me hiccups which I hate so I only play for a limited time on it. Mom says I have quite a charming smile these days. Her face lights up everytime I whip it out. I've got her suckered pretty good!
Also I finally fit into one of my jackets I got for Xmas. It's white and has a scrunchable hood so it fits my small head. I look like quite the snowman in it and it's been great for our cold morning walks. It's still a little big on me but mom says I look super cute in it. Mom hasn't taught me how to download pictures onto the website so you'll have to wait for dad to post the pictures. They are coming soon! Mom took quite a few photos today since dad left the camera at home.
I guess that's all to report for today. Hope you are all having a great week!


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