Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Swim lessons!

Well today mom and I had quite an adventure. We tried swim lessons. It was grand fun! I had a lot of fun kicking! The pool was nice and warm and all the other moms, dads, and kids were super nice. I am, once again, the youngest baby there but that doesn't seem to matter. Most of the kids in my group were toddlers and older and have been doing this for a long time. I got sang to a lot and got to play with all kinds of cool water toys! I did learn how to back float which was kind of neat. I'm not a big fan of getting my face in the water so we're going to wait a while on that one. I also didn't like the whole shower thing.
Mom says as I get older all these things won't scare me as much.
So another fun adventure to add to my list.
Music school on Friday. I can't wait!


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