Monterey Trip

The main reason the blog has not been updated forever is quite honestly the month of March was a complete disaster. We were supposed to take a family trip, but then Mom, Dad and Myself all became sick and we had to cancel it. We tried to salvage it by going to Monterey for a day, and visiting the new splash zone at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. My favorite part there was the play area and the slide (which I am still trying to get better at), but the penguins were great to. We went to Hogs Breath for lunch in Carmel, then I had a melt down and we had to come home early. To top if off the next day Dad came down with Pink Eye, and he couldn't hold me for three days. Finally after 3 weeks of being sick, everyone got better just in time for Dad to go back to work for 13 days out of 14. This is the 2nd year in a row Dad's birthday had been a total wipeout.
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